Well Stanford doesn't have a current protocol study running for NLPHL, so the best we have to go on is the protocol from the last study and the recent study from Germany. If you are interested in the academic details here are links to articles. Not the most recent one, but ones you can access without an account somewhere. This first two have a lot of good background info on differentiating NLPHL from classical Hodgkin's http://theoncologist.alphamedpress.org/content/14/7/739.full
This second one has the basic protocol for rituximab that we will be using. http://bloodjournal.hematologylibrary.org/content/101/11/4285.full
If you don't care to look it up, it is "4 weekly doses of rituximab at 375 mg/m2 " and we have the first one scheduled for Wednesday morning at 8 or 8:30, I don't remember which. I have a check in, then blood work, then head to the oncology suite where I get to hang out for 5 hours and let the juice trickle into my veins. All in all it is a pretty sweet setup, nice reclining adjustable chairs with personal tv's and volunteers who will get drinks, food, and warm blankets if you want one. There are big windows with a great view of the Blues, the only problem is the chairs face the other way. So I will bring a couple of books and my laptop, and maybe a funny movie like Nacho Libre or something to distract me for a while.
I'll try again with posting. Glad you are finally getting started (since you have to) so it can be behind you. Love you, Mom & Dad